What is a TREK ?

If you are on this page it probably signifies you are planning for your first trek. Congrats ! Welcome to the word of clean air and experience the healing power of Nature. Whenever you are planning for a trek its really important that you do read and understand each aspect of the trek mentioned on the trek details page. Do not skip details mentions with an assumption "Mujhe sab pata hai"

What is a trek and what is different levels of trek viz easy trek, moderate trek and difficult trek.


The easiest level of 'Trek' is still a TREK and please remember trekking is not suitable for physically unfit people. Just as they say, easiest level of Kick-boxing is still kick-boxing! (not pillow fight), and you will be kicked and punched during training, Similarly trekking is not at all like picnic, walking in park, or Tour. Beware !

The term "Easy Grade Trek" does not mean this is a picnic, one needs to have good endurance levels, strength and mental fitness to participate in a trek. 

Self Assessment - Physical Fitness:

Please ensure, for participating in Easy-Grade treks you need to be physically fit as per below mentioned parameters.

  • You should be able to walk non-stop 10 rounds of a standard size cricket ground (i.e. circumference of 800 m) 
  • You should be able to climb up 10 floors of a building at a constant speed without stopping. 
  • You should be able to run at a normal pace for 5 KM
  • Age is never a parameter for fitness. Even a 5 year old fit kid can trek to highest peak of Maharashtra. On the other hand a 25 year old man can be a unfit person. Fitness is not based on age. 

Self Assessment - Mental Fitness:

  • Treatment:  If you are being treated for ADHD or any other mental concerns like depression, behavior management etc.. Please do not apply for being part of any of Mischief Treks events for next 3 years. Be safe. 
  • Addiction to Ignorance: Avoid ignoring details mentioned on event page. Thinking "I know everything, I have done Himalayan treks" its the most unwise thing to do. Learn to read and understand before signing up.
  • Attitude: Keep a positive mindset even when facing tough situations. Trekking is not at all about comforts of life, one should have right attitude to indulge in trekking. If you are the one who finds problems in everything in life, please avoid applying to be part of Mischief Treks. Negativity is very contagious and can destroy entire group's happiness. Please do not apply to be part of Mischief Treks if you have habit of cribbing all the time.  
  • Determination: Strong willpower to push through tiredness and challenges.
  • Adaptability: Ability to adjust to changing weather and unexpected situations. Food at local villages and tribal area is not as per city restaurants, one needs to be able to basic food prepared at home by villagers in the region.
  • Patience: Patience to wait for the group and not rush ahead.
  • Focus: Stay focused on the path and listen to the trek leader's instructions.
  • Stress Management: Ability to stay calm and handle stress during difficult moments.
  • Team Spirit: Willingness to support and motivate fellow trekkers.
  • Preparedness: Mental readiness for long hours of walking and basic living conditions.​ One needs to have realistic expectations from fellow participants, organising team, nature and all aspects related to the trek. 

The problem trek organisers face 

Some people fake their fitness. They also claim that they understand the eligibility conditions mentioned on the event details page and confirm they are physically and mentally fit, but in reality they are not.

This is very disheartening for our Trek Leaders who put in a lot of effort to make the trek a great experience. Although we try to eliminate people during enquiry phase if we detect untruthful behavior or issues related to attitude, we cannot assess physical fitness until we meet them in person. 

On the other hand, It’s unfair to other participants in the group who work on their fitness and have to get their trekking experience ruined by unfit participants. Unfit trekkers slow down the group, need extra help from trek leaders, and burden the team. Trekking requires strength and endurance, especially in the Sahyadri region (Western Ghats). If you’re not fit, you won’t enjoy the trek.

Trekking is not like picnic or tour. It involves continuous climbing and descending on uneven terrain. Without proper fitness, the easiest trek will be difficult and not enjoyable atall. 

Easy treks ae Difficult for unfit people

What's the difference between trekking and picnic?

Well, let me tell you, my friend, the answer lies in the eye of the beholder. Or the foot of the beholder, as it were.

Generally speaking, trekking is a more intense form of hiking. Think of it as hiking's older, more badass sibling. When you trek, you're usually traversing longer distances and more challenging terrain, like scaling mountains or trekking through dense forests. It's like hiking, but with a little more sweat, tears, and triumph.

Picnic, on the other hand, is a more casual form of walking in nature. It's like a stroll through the park, but with trees and dirt instead of benches and paved paths. 

Let's dive into what each of these terms mean and what sets them apart.

What is Trekking?

Trekking is basically a long, exhausting journey that's typically taken on foot. Think of it as a more intense version of hiking. When you're trekking, you're usually covering a lot of ground in a day or it can involve several days or even weeks. It's an activity that's often associated with exploring remote areas in hilly or forest region and getting in touch with nature. It requires good level of physical fitness, endurance and a calm mind. Yes, you not just need to be physically fit , but mentally fit too. Having sportsmanship spirit and humble attitude helps a lot during a trek. People with attitude issues generally end up having a bad experience on trek. During a group trek mostly there is no turning back if you give up in between, and you may get lost in the forest if you exit the group. So, its important for you to check your physical ability to climb mountains before you sign up for a Trek. 

What is a Picnic?

Finally, we come to Picnic. Now, this one is a bit different from the others. While trekking, hiking, and touring are all about physical activity and exploration, picnicking is all about relaxation and enjoying the outdoors. It's a chance to pack a basket full of snacks and drinks, grab a blanket, and find a nice spot in the park and relax

Trekking vs Picnic 

So, what's the difference between trekking and picnicking? Well, while both activities involve being outdoors, trekking is much more physically demanding and requires a lot more preparation. Trekking involves a lot of planning, packing, and endurance, whereas picnicking is more of a spur-of-the-moment activity that can be done on a whim.

What is a Tour?

A tour typically involves traveling to different destinations and taking in the sights and sounds of the area. This can be done on foot, but it can also involve other modes of transportation, like bikes or cars. It's a great way to explore a new area and get a taste of the local culture.

But hey, no matter which activity you choose, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the great outdoors. And if you're like me, you might want to bring some extra snacks on your trek or hike - because let's face it, everything tastes better when you're outside!

What does Camping mean?

According to Wikipedia and general understanding, Camping is not limited to staying in a tent. It can actually mean temporarily staying anywhere outdoors or in nature. We at Mischief Trek would like to further clarify the fact that camping is all about immersing yourself in the great outdoors and enjoying the experience. So, whether you're sleeping in a tent, a camper van, a village home, a hammock, or even under the stars under open sky, it's all part of the camping adventure.

It's about embracing nature and creating lasting memories wherever you choose to set up camp. Some hotels and resorts have been misusing the word 'camping' for staying in cloth wall rooms having all luxury provisions, but that's not called camping. 


And one final question...

Which is the best trek group in Mumbai?

Ah! I love the answer to this question. Mischief Trek (that's obviously us) is one of the most loved and respected trekking group in Mumbai that has earned the reputation by several years of hard work and skillset. Thousands of participants who have been on treks with us have witnessed our unique and friendly approach that elevates entire experience to a different level. (Honest Disclaimer: The author of this article is biased and in love with Mischief Treks) 


Author : Jahnvi Mehta 
Published : August 10, 2023
Updated : June 21, 2024

Copyright: www.MischiefTreks.com


Can kids trek in Maharashtra ?

Are you planning for bringing your kids along at a trekking event Click HERE to check our recommendation regarding eligibility. 

Events by Mischief Treks